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  Curriculum areas

The Prepared Environment

The 4 classrooms are specifically designed to meet the development needs of the age range in the room. The rooms are set up in curriculum areas, where there are activities from simple to complex that can engage children at all stages of development.
The Stables Montessori classrooms are prepared in advance based on teachers interactions with families and children, as well as, observations of the interests of the children.
Our environments are child centered and focus on every individual's needs. Everything the child needs in order to progress is available to them as and when they need it; this means that they can take the lead in their learning and learn through their interests and at their own pace. Teachers will never impose learning on children, rather, they act as a guide to support and extend the child as they see necessary. In working in and interest based way, children are always engaged and are intrinsically driven to learn.

For the Love of Learning

The Montessori method of teaching appeals to the child's innate hunger for knowledge. Children learn to love learning. At The Stables Montessori we will aim to create naturally motivated children who genuinely enjoy learning new ideas and concepts.

Active Learning - Concrete to Abstract

Montessori education is a hands-on approach to learning. At The Stables Montessori we tap into the children's sense of touch, smell, sight, sound and taste in order to help them discover information for themselves. Montessori materials are designed to provide concrete experiences that bring abstract concepts to life, allowing children to learn with a much deeper understanding.
"What the hand does, the mind remembers" - Dr Maria Montessori

Allow children Time

At The Stables Montessori all children are provided with the space and time to work on activities as long as they need, and interruptions are avoided whenever possible. This is a very calm unhurried environment.

The Teachers' Role

Montessori teachers act as role-models and influencers to children on a one-on-one basis. At TheMontessorians understand that the child's self-esteem comes from an internal sense of pride in his or her own accomplishments. The Stables Montessori instils a respect level in all children where they are surrounded with admiration for each other and the environment that we live. Therefore, their self - confidence blossoms. Children join the teacher to prepare for the day ahead or choose activities at their leisure

Practical Life

Practical Life activities are the activities of everyday life and they are involved in all aspects of life. The child observes these activities in the environment and gains knowledge through the real experience of how to accomplish life skills in a purposeful way.
These activities comprise of care of the person, caring for the environment and lessons in grace and courtesy. These exercises include activities such as pouring, sorting, sewing buttons, carrot peeling, serving, mirror polishing and many other activities using real life objects in a child sized environment. They encourage good work habits, increase concentration, independence, and develop coordination. The Practical life activities prepare the child for all other subject areas of the classroom.
Practical Life activities are an integral part of any Montessori environment and this area acts as the hub of the classroom.


The Sensorial curriculum area works with the children's five senses, the Sensorial activities support children to refine their senses in order to obtain knowledge.
Dr Maria Montessori believed that our intellect and knowledge of the world have their beginnings in the senses. As human beings we are all sensorial - absorbing our knowledge about the world through seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting what's around us. Through our senses we collect necessary information and stimulate our development and creativity.

"The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge" - Dr Maria Montessori

This curriculum area and the specialised materials, prepare the children for later reading, writing and mathematics. For example, children exploring and matching different sounds are more likely to perceive subtle differences in the phonetic sounds of letters when learning to read. The grasping of small knobs on equipment enables a child to gain control over the small finger muscles he will use for writing and sorting blocks into size order will prepare them for understanding beginning mathematical concepts.


Language is explored phonetically in a Montessori classroom. Initial alphabet sounds are first introduced through the sandpaper letters and matching objects. After the children learn a few sounds, they are then introduced to word building exercises with the moveable alphabet. The metal insets are an exercise used to refine pencil control and help to improve writing skills. The language area lays the foundations for all language development.


We use hands on concrete materials to provide children with a simple and clear impression of numbers. This supports children to develop an understanding of the mathematical concepts being taught. We teach from simple to complex and each activity build on another one, which is a fantastic way to guide children's mathematical skills. For example, number rods, sandpaper numbers, number boards, number beads, tiles and games. Each exercise builds upon another gradually guiding the child's mathematical mind from the concrete into the more abstract areas of numeration.


The cultural area is divided into geography, history, nature and science. There are many geography materials in the classroom to teach a child their place in the world. History assists a child in learning about the concept of change. By looking at the seasons, studying the weather and changing the calendar daily helps the child to establish a cycle of time. Children are encouraged to bring things to put in our nature area. When a child's birthday arrives there is a special lesson that occurs: a representation of the sun is placed on the floor and the birthday child holds the globe and walks around. Everything we do in our classrooms have a purpose and teach the children about our world, how it works and what their place within it is.